Alabama Hills, Eastside
Sierra Nevada Mountains
I’ve been photographing in Grand Staircase-Escalante, and the area around the Bears Ears since the early ‘90s. Reducing their size, as was done this past Monday in the largest rollback of federal land protection ever, opens them up to development of various kinds, and sets a dangerous precedent. I care deeply about these areas, as I do about all of America’s protected land. Interior Secretary Zinke’s mandate to review all national monuments created since 1996 mandates that all of us who care about the protection of our environment stay awake.
Upper Grand Gulch
Grand Staircase
Escalante National Monument
4x5 Film
View more photos from the Grand Staircase Escalante portfolio #136.
Photographs by David Muench
Essay by Ruth Rudner
This portrait of Sandia, the mountain backdrop that dwarfs Albuquerque's sprawl, offers a sense of place through the eyes of a photographer and the words of a writer. Fascinated by Sandia, by the light of its dawn and sunsets, by its seasons, by the power of its altitude, photographer David Muench shows us a brilliant autumn, the sparkle of snow, an April explosion of cactus blooms, a summer summit garden of wildflowers, the marvel of the mountain's rock forms.
Photography by David Muench
David Muench's landscape photography is an American legacy spanning two centuries. In this first book of a forthcoming series, David Muench shares his favorite timeless moments of Grand Canyon National Park. | Read more
Monument Valley - Navajo Tribal Park
P-4967 sss
4x5 Film
View more photos from the Monument Valley portfolio.
Photography by David Muench
Wild America brings together David Muench, the eminent wilderness photographer, with Roly Smith, the respected outdoor writer. This book celebrates their personal selection of “America’s best idea”—its National Parks. | Read more
Arizona Highways editors Robert Stieve, Keyyl Vaughn, and Jeff Kida took a 17 hour drive recently to New Mexico to speak to David Muench for their special December Arizona Highways issue, which focuses solely on David Muench and his 7 decades of photography.
"Until now, we've never done an issue dedicated to a single person. And its unlikely we'll ever do it again. Not because there aren't other talented contributors — there are many — but because none will be as great for as long." —Robert Stevie, Editor of Arizona Highways
Copyright© 2011 - 2025 David Muench